Perfect Little Greenhouse

Your Complete Greenhouse Kit Includes:

The Greenhouse Structure $1,899

is manufactured by CropKing who has been building strong commercial greenhouses for over 30 years. Unlike the small greenhouses sold by many of the big box stores, this greenhouse will not twist and blow away with the first big wind. The steel frame is made of high grade structural steel which has "Gatorshield" galvanizing for a cost effective, strong, greenhouse frame to survive strong winds and heavy snow loads. There are four arches which come in two pieces for easier shipping and are placed on 4' centers. This greenhouse also features ground stakes, and three purlins that run the full length of the greenhouse. Also included are all of the needed connectors, hardware and brackets for attaching the end wall framing.

The dimensions of this greenouse are 10' x 12'.


Heating System $799

Hot Dawg-Modine low profile overhead unit heater - Please indicate your fuel source - propane or natural gas


Cooling System $1,199

Wet Wall, Exhaust Fan and Aluminum Shutters


8- Bucket Hydroponic Growing System $629

for vine crops. This system will hold a variety of plants from peppers, tomatoes (two tomato plants fit in each bucket), cucumbers, squash and many more. Includes:


NFT $600

(Nutrient Film Technique) Hydroponic Growing System (for leafy plants) includes:

Shade Cloth $169


Save $600 by purchasing the complete package

Complete Greenhouse Kit $4,695

Call to Order (330) 302-4203



CropKing Inc.

(330) 302-4203

134 West Drive
Lodi, OH 44256
